Monday, November 29, 2010

Riverfront Sunset, Downtown Rain, and Park Macros


It's been pretty cold here in Portland the last couple of weeks, and I've been pretty lazy about getting out and taking photos. We had a tease with some snowy weather in our forecast, but sadly it never materialized. As it is, I've managed to get out a couple of times to take some pictures when the conditions demanded it.



When I find myself stuck inside too long because the weather doesn't inspire me to get out, I'll occasionally take matters into my own hands and head out with my spray bottle and macro lens and take some creative shots. This was the case yesterday when I took a walk up to Washington Park and took some photos as I walked the peaceful grounds.



With any luck, I'll get out and take some great shots this month. December is usually wet, and with the added lights of the holiday season I should find plenty of opportunities. I've got my fingers crossed, anyway. I hope you've enjoyed looking, and as usual you can see more from these shoots on my flickr page,



ApdxB said...

These are awesome! Looking forward to your holiday pics!

Sean G said...

Thanks Anna! I was thinking of going down to Peacock Lane and checking that out, but I suspect it'd be far too crowded to get any interesting pictures. At least, not without blocking all the passersby.